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Last Updated: 11 April 2024
© Polina Zioga 2003-2024
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Research Experience
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Research Experience
Polina Zioga's creative practice and research lies at the intersection of art, science and technology. By proving that interdisciplinary studies not only promote the advancement of the different fields involved, but also result in new observations, not made possible in isolation, her aim is to contribute in the greater discussion of applying creative methodologies in science and scientific methodologies in creative practices.
Her Ph.D. research, entitled 'Live Brain-Computer Cinema Performance', was funded by the Glasgow School of Art Global Excellence Initiative Fund and supported by MyndPlay, and has been selected as one of the Top-Ranked LABS Abstracts 2017 by Leonardo (MIT Press). It investigated the use of multi-brain Electroencephalography-based Brain-Computer Interfaces, in the context of live cinema and mixed-media performances.
For this purpose, Zioga developed a new system, which was implemented in Enheduanna - A Manifesto of Falling, the first demonstration of a live brain-computer cinema performance, a term coined by Zioga, awarded in 2014 with the NEON Organization Grant for Performance Production, and sponsored by MyndPlay. The project, in collaboration with the actress Anastasia Katsinavaki, the composer Minas Borboudakis and 20 in total contributors from 3 different countries, enabled for the first time the multi-brain interaction of one performer and two audience members in the context of a live cinema performance. It premiered in the Centre for Contemporary Arts (CCA) Glasgow, from the 29th to the 31st of July 2015, and following the successful first events, the project was presented in international conferences, invited talks and lecturers at national and international institutions, and was published in high-impact peer-reviewed academic journals, books, and press articles.
In 2014, Zioga initiated with Kalina Ntampiza the project ‘HOME network’, a portable, netless Wi-Fi network, transmitting within the urban environment of various cities during a series of specific time periods and events. The project explored the boundaries between the private and the public, the physical and the digital space and challenged the notion of surveillance in the urban environments, inviting the visitors to participate in and reflect upon our sense of belonging in both the private and the public sphere. The project was presented at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (Greece) in collaboration with Natalia-Rozalia Avlona, at the International Academic Conference Places and Technologies 2014 (Belgrade, Serbia) and as part of the European project ‘Connecting Cities: Participatory City 2014’ (Brussels, Belgium), in collaboration with Alexandros Nikolaos Ziogas.
In 2016, Zioga embarked on ‘Re-mark’, a new artistic research project in Dundee Contemporary Arts (DCA) exploring how artists with disabilities can access interactive technologies that can limit the need for human intermediaries in their fine art practice. The aim is to investigate and improve the use of open-source Eye-Gaze Tracking Systems (EGTS) by print artists with Multiple Sclerosis. The project is awarded and funded by the Scottish Graduate School for Arts & Humanities (SGSAH) in collaboration with the Glasgow School of Art (GSA) and supported by the Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art & Design, University of Dundee.
More recently, in 2017, Zioga founded and is leading the Interactive Filmmaking Lab, she is an Advisory Board Member of the Interactive Film and Media Journal, and a reviewer of the academic journals Frontiers in Psychology & Frontiers in Human Neuroscience. In the context of these roles, her creative work and research focus on Interactive Film History, Interaction Design for Audience Engagement, Scriptwriting for Interactive Films, and Interactive Films and Video Installations for Museums.
2021- (ongoing) Advisory Board Member of the Interactive Film and Media journal.
2020- (ongoing) Reviewer of the Frontiers in Psychology & Frontiers in Human Neuroscience journals.
2017- (ongoing) Director of the Interactive Filmmaking Lab.
2022 Panel Chair & Reviewer of #IFM2022. Interactive Film and Media Conference 2022: Interactive Epistemology, Listening, and Ecomedia, 8-10 June 2022, online.
2016-17 Co-Investigator of ‘Modern slavery: ‘Identifying barriers and solutions to reporting’ research project, led by the Secure Societies Institute of the University of Huddersfield. Funding Body: Kirklees Council.
2014-17 Principal Investigator, Project Manager, Producer/Director of 'Enheduanna – A Manifesto of Falling' Live Brain-Computer Cinema Performance research project, co-produced with the Digital Design Studio of the Glasgow School of Art. Funding Body: NEON Organization. Sponsor: MyndPlay.
2016 SGSAH Doctoral Intern of "Re-mark. Enabling artists with disabilities to re-engage with their fine art practice using digital technology" research project at Dundee Contemporary Arts Print Studio. Funding Body: Scottish Graduate School for Arts and Humanities.
2015-16 Scientific Committee Member & Reviewer of ICLI. ICLI 2016 - 3rd International Conference on Live Interfaces, 29 June - 3 July 2016, University of Sussex, Brighton, UK.
2014-15 Editorial Reviewer of ICLI. Proceedings of ICLI 2014 - INTER-FACE: International Conference on Live Interfaces, 19-23 November 2014, Lisbon. Eds. Adriana Sa, Miguel Carvalhais, Alex McLean. Porto University, CECL & CESEM (NOVA University), MITPL (University of Sussex), 2015. ISBN 978-989-746-060-9.
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